Every Saturday we fill the racks. Every Saturday new stock of clothing is hanged in the shop.

Great discounts every SATURDAY

Every Saturday, we will rotate the racks and reload the shelves in order to keep our business exciting for our customers. In order to do this, we created a mechanism in which the clothes prices would be reduced a % every week, and after eight weeks, anything that has not been sold will be removed from the store and recycled. We have a total of eight distinct colour tags. Each tag comes with a unique discount.


Week 1 - Normal price

Week 2 - 15% discount

Week 3 - 30% discount

Week 4 - 50% discount

Week 5 - 60% discount

Week 6 - 70% discount

Week 7 - 80% discount

Week 8 - 90% discount

Prices on things that did not sell the previous week can be found at reduced prices every week.

It is important to become a member of our community by subscribing your email in order to receive these discounts. It is extremely simple: all you have to do is enter your email address.